About Us

We Make Beautiful Things


Our Specialties

Software Engineering

Nuntius diffuses and integrates real-world experiences and modern Best Development Practices in General and Architectural Design.

IT infrastructure

Nuntius offers IT infrastructure management across hardware, network, operating systems, relational databases, internet access, security and specific information systems.

About Us

Nuntius was created in 2008, in Brussels. Since the very beginning, we made the words "Customer satisfaction" our key asset either in project developments or on-site missions. To achieve this target, we put a strong emphasis on our values that drive our daily business. But behind the stage in the light of globalization, we act and defend the causes for the environmental and human rights of minorities. In this context, we participate in projects and join associations acting in the development, while remaining within the scope of our business and bringing in all the sud's countries a sev-value.

Our Team

Our team of experts are longstanding active players in the digital revolution in Europe and America. Now it is time to apply our know-how and expertise in making the digital revolution accessible to businesses everywhere. We are committed to making your business more efficient through a wealth of affordable digital solutions. Our aim is to breathe new life into your business with simple or complex solutions.

Hire Us & Let's Get Started