Nuntius, as a consulting Company, have worked on various projects for the group G&D.This group is specialized in financial products and services . G&D is a high secure production environment where financial and telecommunication smartcards are personalized for customers, like governmental organization or Bank institution.
Nuntius have been involved in numerous projects especially the Integration and Maintenance of Belgium processes inside different production environment.Since G&D was closing its site in Belgium,Nuntius was in charge to maintain the Application,to backup the knowledge transfer and reapply the processes from the Belgium site to the UK's one. After deploying and maintaining the processes in a parallel production environment in UK , implementing Agile Methodology, we had to redevelop the solution on top of G&D UK's framework which drives there own production environment.The projects that had to be followed,concerned Edenred and BNPP smartcard personalization.